To create educational tools that provide unique experiences for all ages about the history, science and forensic studies of the Shroud of Turin and Sudarium Domini of Oviedo. ShroudExpo, Inc. is a non-profit organization, 501(c)(3), dedicated to educating the general public about the Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium Domini of Oviedo.
ShroudExpo creates and operates immersive experiences to achieve its mission. The main method of education is an exposition, “The Shroud of Turin Exposition”. This immersive exposition provides an emotional, as well as, educational journey through the history, science and forensic studies of the Shroud of Turin and Sudarium Domini of Oviedo. The Exposition is a major museum quality event requiring an indoor facility space of 6,000 to 12,000 square feet and employing up to 20+ employees and many more volunteers.
ShroudExpo, Inc. cooperates with museums, local civil governments and institutions, Catholic Church dioceses, and other Catholic and non-Catholic local organizations to bring this event to their local area. The Exposition is an event that has been created to educate and energize the local community by sharing the research and knowledge of the Shroud to the general public in a way that is extremely emotional and personal. In order to succeed, a community effort is created among the local dioceses, other denominational churches, and local organizations that understand the value of such an event to reach those that are not aware of the significance of the Shroud or even its existence.
ShroudExpo, Inc. has also created and it is developing other programs utilizing new technologies for the education of many about the Shroud of Turin.