Believers and non-believers, men and women will see this Exposition that touches the soul, awakens the heart and challenges the mind.
The Shroud of Turin is a centuries old linen cloth that bears the image of the body of a man with the torture markings of a crucified man. A man that millions believe to be Jesus of Nazareth. It is, in fact, the single most studied artifact in human history, and we know more about it today than we ever have before and yet, the controversy still rages.
The visitor walks through chambers filled with the history of this archeological piece: The Shroud of Turin. From the finding of the Shroud in France in XIV and its hidden negative, the visitor will see and discover the history, science, controversy, and facts surrounding the Shroud of Turin. The scientific understanding to the image imprinted of the Man of the Shroud. Every guest will be able to determine on their own, with the historical and scientific information who was the man of the Shroud.
Either for believers or non-believers, the Shroud shows all that see the image of the torturing and suffering inflicted on the body of a man. The image of torture is marked in the shroud in contrast with an image of inner peace on his face. ShroudExpo Inc organizes drives to support causes that bring peace to those that suffer in this world, especially those Christians that have been prosecuted and removed from their ancestral lands.
ShroudExpo is fundraising in support of refuges from around the world that have been displaced and found their way to the United States. Once in the US, their ordeal is not over. They need assistance to understand their new environment, laws, housing, employment, and all those little things that we take from granted when growing up in this country. ShroudExpo Inc will sponsor refuges and guide them to ease their integration in the United States.
The Exposition is an intensly felt experience that challenges the mind and soul of each visitor: an experience that will be with you for life. Experiences lived intensely are remembered for the initial emotion they created, even more if lived in the company of friends and family.
Forget flat screens and YouTube videos: Are you able to experience being in the Grand Canyon, The Smithsonian or the Statue of Liberty when watching a video? You may see them but not have the experience of having been there. Life is a journey that should be experienced actively. This exposition stays at each location for few months. Take action and experience the exposition while is in town.
No set times. The Exposition is a self-guided audio tour open to all guests as they arrive. No waiting for set times or tour guides. The self-guided audio tour will take you from piece to piece and room to room, in a way that each guest becomes a vital actor in it. The audio guide is provided in English and Spanish and other languages based on the needs of your community. The duration of the audio guided tour is about an hour with variation in length based on the language chosen.
The Exposition is for everyone. The Exposition shows the history, science and forensic studies performed on the Shroud for the evaluation of each of its guests. It is up to each person, given the information provided, to determine in their heart and in their soul who was the Man of the Shroud. The Shroud is an archeological piece that belongs to all humanity: Catholics and non-Catholics, all Christian denominations, Judaism, Islam, any other religion or non-believers interested in history and science. The Exposition is open and it is for all to come and determine for themselves who was the Man of the Shroud.
New location to be posted soon