ShroudExpo Inc. utilizes art, community, volunteers, social media, mass and niche marketing techniques to reach every corner of local and adjacent communities.
The selection of communities to bring the Exposition is based on a simple rule: It depends on the level of support by local groups, churches and dioceses. Local organizations and individual volunteers make the difference!!! Without you and your support, the Exposition cannot be an efficient tool for education in your community. Please contact us to let us know about your organization or your personal volunteering ideas.
We will work with your diocese and local groups to schedule the Exposition event in your community. Once a schedule is agreed, we will work with you to determine a facility capable to hold the Exposition, a plan of action, and fundraising needs to bring the Exposition to your local area. ShroudExpo’s executive team dedicated to successfully bringing the Exposition to all communities, will develop solutions hand in hand with your local organizations to ensure a successful event in your community.
The Exposition is committed to your community for three to six months. Before its arrival and especially during its duration, a local ground support group formed by volunteers is needed to ensure that all corners of your community know about this event. This Exposition is for all interested in the history, science and forensics of the Shroud no matter which religious affiliation, Christians and non-Christians, Catholic and Non-Catholics, believers and non-believers should be actively invited to visit this event during its short stay in town.
ShroudExpo’s executive team will develop a marketing campaign utilizing the capabilities of your local group and creating a core group of volunteers to be ambassadors of the Shroud in your area. The executive team will arrive in your area about three months before the Exposition to open doors in your community and to train and organize volunteers. Special marketing materials created for each community will be made available to local groups and volunteers. Marketing tools provided may go from printed materials, audio visual elements for social media, educational tools for school and Sunday schools, vehicle marketing support and many others.
Are you ready to make a positive difference? Make a substantial impact in the life of many and help us bring the Exposition to your community.